K2, P2= Ribbed for her Pleasure

Dispatches from the mind of a seriously knit-obsessed midwesterner who just can't seem to put down the damn needles.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

On learning, cheating, syndromes and sickness.

I have the cold from hell right now. I can almost feel myself spreading nasty microbes.

Today is a day to give thanks for isopropyl alcohol, and sudafed (while simultaneously cursing crystal meth for driving sudafed behind the counter, but that's another story for another blog).

I have, however, kicked my second sock syndrome

Those are the first pair of socks I've ever knit (with part of my stash as backdrop), and I confess, they were a learning project (kind of like the classic garter stitch scarf that starts 4 inches wide and ends up 14). The left one is full of little "homemade touches, and the right, well, the right's beautiful excepet I said "screw kitchner stitch and just sewed it together. I'll learn to graft another day; I needed to free up my size two DPNs so these damn things stopped taunting me.

At any rate, they're wonky but comfortable, and as my first socks, I'm proud of them (although not proud enough to zoom in on their specific wonkiness.)

Second Sock Syndrome

I admit it. I love knitting socks. I hate grafting the toe. Hate it. So I've got this sock on the needles that I've ripped the grafting out of not once but twice, and I
finish it.
So I'm gonna start playing with my handspun instead. I'm thinking wide entrelac scarf. Should be fun.