K2, P2= Ribbed for her Pleasure

Dispatches from the mind of a seriously knit-obsessed midwesterner who just can't seem to put down the damn needles.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Dancing with Yarn (or what this 22-year old college student does on a Friday night)

Every knitter has a knitting associated task that they absolutely loathe. Finishing and adding fringe are common offenders.

Winding yarn is mine.

After an exhilarating SEX experience at Busy Hands (quite possibly the friendliest, best-equipped LYS in the area) I came home with two hanks of yarn, anxious to cast on. This unfortunately turned out not be the case, as the hanks I bought quickly turned into their respective version of cat's cradle from hell, giving me a killer headache from to form that coveted center-pull ball, and actually forcing me at one time to stand and use all of my limbs and my neck in a desperate attempt to untangle the mess. The fact that one is a superdelicate silk merino laceweight and the other is that supertwisty, stringy recycled sari silk doesn't help much.

So, instead I curled up with The Yarn Harlot and played around with the HTML (see the pretty new links? Click the buttons, you know you want to). New projects will have to wait until after said yarn is recovered from my favorite detangler (read: Mommy). In the mean time, I'm working on this using a 50/50 wool Alpaca blend in lieu of the suggested fiber (although the colors are extremely close.) Pics will follow if I find the time to post them.

PS: Concerned about my seemingly extremely out-of-context use of the word SEX? Or about what the hell an LYS is? Go here.


At 5:33 PM , Blogger ozacosta said...

I read this every day, and I'm starting to get deja vu.


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